Press Release

March 13, 2 022 – Season 2 of Epic Lifestyles is back with Zsofi Bruckner – Click for PDF

Epic Lifestyles Podcast Announces Season 2 Launch

PRESS RELEASE · Whistler, BC, Canada · March 12, 2022

This week Epic Lifestyles announced the release of season 2 on their new website. In a continued effort to provide additional value to our offerings, we decided to reward our advanced users with more diversity in the content.  Many of our past guests have achieved great goals and attained epic achievements, this year we will be adding more facets with conversations with professionals who can coach our listeners to achieve these goals themselves. 

Alongside those that we interviewed last year, like triathletes, like John Blok, backcountry skier and photography Chad Sayers, and cipher genius Paul Lou. The same level of people who take life to the next level, who search for success,  past the mundane surfaces and experiences, many of us are willing to just live with. We will also strive to also connect you with coaches who can launch  you to this next level in the stratosphere. 

To start will have Zsofi Bruckner assisting her clients to biohack their way to success and get out of their own way!

She is a  Functional Nutrition Health Alignment Coach. For 22 years Zsofi was struggling with health challenges, digestive issues, and hair loss (that started around age 12) that destroyed her self & body confidence, created massive anxiety issues, and was holding her back from being able to find and live her soul’s purpose.

After she kept hitting the walls with the medical for 12 years, never getting one single answer, she felt completely lost and hopeless.

The only place left was going inside, through alternative and energy medicine.
You can here her interview and how she has created success for herself and others here –

All our guests set themselves apart by their daily successes, they are willing to sacrifice a little something more than the rest of us, to achieve their idea of success.

If you’re not familiar with the podcast that started in 2016 with Kathy White and Anyssa Jane you can check out season one on

Be sure to continue following our blog for announcements as well as our social media — Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn.

This is a press release that we link to from